Saturday, February 17, 2007

Introducing Attractionese - The Language of The Secret

I can certainly empathize with those who are both excited about The Secret AND baffled by it at the same time.

So, with more than 12 years of studying Wallace D. Wattles book, "The Science of Getting Rich - Financial Success through the POWER of Creative Thought", I thought it might be helpful to develop a language or, rather, a language dialect to help us be more conscious of the communication process in the law of attraction.

1 comment:

Jessan Dunn Otis said...

I'm reminded of a PBS series from the late 1980's, hosted by Bill Moyers. The entire series is titled THE POWER OF THE WORD; and, focuses on various poets who were participants at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival in New Jersey.

From the liner notes from the introduction to this series, Moyer wrote: "Listen," said the story tellers of old, "listen and you shall hear."

Listening (with your body/mind/Spirit) is essential to authentic language.

Hearing (with your body/mind/Spirit) is essential to authentic language. addition, as Eudora Welty wrote: "True daring starts from within...".

The power of the word, combines (at least) these three: listening, hearing and daring.

"So much depends upon / a wet wheelbarrow..." ~ William Carlos Williams

Stay strong; and, dance on...

